Widgetform supports Zapier.
The Widgetform integration for Zapier provides the following triggers:
- New Response - triggers when a new response is submitted.
You can find the configuration for the Zapier integration on the account settings page. Initially, it’s disabled, and your account does not have any Zapier API keys generated.
- Click the “Generate API Key” button to generate a Zapier API key.
- Once the key is generated, you will see it displayed. Click “Copy” to copy the key.
- Click the “Get WidgetForm Zapier Integration” button to add the WidgetForm Zapier integration to your Zapier account. You will see the following screen. Click “Accept Invite & Build a Zap.”
- In Zapier, click “Create a Zap” and search for the WidgetForm integration in the trigger integration search window.
- Connect your WidgetForm account to the created Zapier trigger using the API key copied from the account settings page.